- Bank (5km)
- Mini Market (700 mt)
- Wine shop (2 km)
- Pharmacy (5 km)
- Hospital (15 km)
- Pedaso Station (5 km)
- Civitanova Marche Train Station (31km)
- Ancona Train Station (63 km)
- Ancona Airport (78 km)
- Pescara Airport (79 km)
- Rome-Fiumicino Airport (195 km)
- Bologna Airport (259 km)
- Security deposit upon arrival € 1,000.00 in cash
- Minimum stay 7 nights (by agreement modifiable for the low season)
- Maximum capacity: 18 people
- Animals are not allowed
- Smoking is not allowed in the house
- Check-in from 16:00 to 18:00
- Check-out by 10:00
Villa Prices
From 643 € per night
Where to find us
To have an interview and a visit to the villa, live.Address
Contrada Castelletta, 30, 63825, Monterubbiano, FM
Call us on the phone
We will be available for any call.Call us today!
For reservations +39 328 828 8618
Send us an e-mail
Send us an email with your vacation plans and we will be ready to answer you.We are waiting for you!
For reservations
For arrivals